While a pool can be a great addition to your home, it can also present a liability.  Berkshire Fence will work with you to ensure that your pool fence meets BOCA (Building Officials and Code Administrators International) pool safety codes.

Key points related to swimming pool fencing in this code are:

  • Pool Fencing must be at least 48" (4 feet) high to prevent children from getting into the swimming pool enclosure unsupervised

  • Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical members and the distance between the tops of the horizontal members is less than 45”, the horizontal members shall be located on the swimming pool side of the fence. Spacing between vertical members shall not exceed 1 3/4” in width. Where there are decorative cutouts within vertical members, spacing within the cutouts shall not exceed 1 3/4” width. Spacing of pool fence vertical rails should not exceed 1 3/4", to prevent a child's foot from passing between rails and using horizontal rails as stepping ladder.

  • If distance between horizontal rails is greater than 45", spacing of pool fence vertical rails should not exceed 4", to prevent a small child from passing between rails.

  • When swimming pool fence is installed the distance between ground and bottom of fence must not exceed 2".

  • Pool Gates should open out from the pool and be self-closing, with a latch which is self-latching.

  • Pool Gate Latches should be at least 54" above grade.